Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Petido Orejudo

Get me a plane ticket, a camera, someone to hold the camera and a nine. We are going to South America!

General Guemes, in Salta, Argentina to be exact. Apparently, there is a gnome that “terrorizes” people out late at night on the streets. There be some videos for you to see:

Now this story seems bogus (like La Llorona). Here is why:
  • There are only teens
  • They are videotaping stupid stuff for no reason but to waste tape/space
  • This thing never seems to actually attack or do anything but walk around
  • They do not try to make contact with the thing coming at them
  • The scream at the end of both videos seems the same
  • The thing is moving slow and is 10 yards away and they start to run
Both incidents were covered by The Sun (1 and 2) and it reports that the mayor and police have known about the “gnome” for 20 years. Is it just me or does this reek of parents not wanting kids out on the streets late at night.

There are about four or five teen boys in each of these videos and this is staged or all of them are chicken shit. I know the dynamics of young boy groups, one of them has to go figure out what the thing is. None of them seems to get close to this thing and it does not seem to be aggressive. On top of this, the thing moves slow enough that you could run up and see the face maybe even take his hat and be gone.

In reality I think it is just a small adult who tries to get kids to stay indoors late at night so they will not start some shit.

My proposal: We go to South America, find this thing, and try to make contact. Say hello. Talk about the weather. Something. If it does not respond to verbal commands, then maybe it is something crazy and that is what my foot to its face is for or ultimately the nine.

::GR Ready for action::
those who educate children well are more to be honored than parents, for these only gave life, those the art of living well. -aristotle.

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