Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Pamphlet of Hate

As the GR was walking around campus, I saw some people waving flags. Needless to say if there are big flags going crazy, I gots to check it out.

These people were dressed nicely and handing out this hilarious pamphlet. I call it the Pamphlet of Hate but its real name is The 10 Reasons: Why Homosexual “Marriage” is Harmful and Must be Opposed. This should be fun!!!!:

Reason 1: It is not marriage. Calling something marriage does not make it marriage. Marriage has always been a covenant between a man and a woman which is by its nature ordered toward the procreation and education of children and the unity and wellbeing of spouses…It also denies the specific primary purpose of marriage: the perpetuation of the human race and the raising of children.

That is your leading argument. Marriage has not always been a covenant between one man and one woman? Marriage used to be an institution of property transfer and you got someone to have your kids as well. It was not odd for a man to have many wives at the same time.

Reason 2: It Violates Natural Law. …[Marriage] is a relationship rooted in human nature and thus governed by natural law…By his natural reason, man can perceive what is morally good or bad for him.

If this were true, everyone would pray to the same God using the same religion. We would not need laws or mores to live our life. Everything would be perfect and we would naturally know what to do. It is natural, however, for a person to feel lust and even anger. So when a person cheats on his or her spouse out of lust that is acceptable. When someone kills another in anger that is also acceptable. All natural!

Reason 3: It always denies a child either a father or a mother. Same-sex “marriage” ignores a child’s best interests.

It is really hard growing up without a father. It limits your goals in life and you could never do really great things like become President… The child’s best interest is to be in a home that is full of love and support. These two things can come from a heterosexual couple, a homosexual couple, a single parent or the bum on the corner.

Reason 4: It validates and promotes the homosexual lifestyle…Civil laws are structuring principles of man’s life in society.

I cannot even answer to the main point of this argument. What is wrong with homosexual lifestyle? To respond to the second point, civil laws are created by humans in order to structure society as they see fit, not the other way around. We can always change laws. Especially those pesky laws that uphold slavery. They annoy me.

Reason 5: It turns a moral wrong into a civil right.

Why is it a moral wrong? This is the argument that has never been fully addressed to me. How can homosexual marriage be wrong? Letting two people who love each other marry is just so wrong depending on who it is…

Reason 6: It does not create a family but a naturally sterile union.

This is as dumb as the one before. What about heterosexual couples who are sterile? Can they not marry? What about older couples? Do their marriages run out?

Reason 7: It defeats the state’s purpose of benefiting marriages.

Last time I checked the state likes stability and that is the reason they “benefit” marriage. Why is a marriage based on love not a stable marriage? A harder question for you to answer is why the state should benefit anyone’s lifestyle choice over the other. Wrap your head around that one and tell me it is not discriminatory.

Reason 8: It imposes its acceptance on all society…rental property owners will have to agree to accept same-sex couples as tenants.

Aww shucks! You mean if we allow same-sex marriage, we cannot discriminate against them?

Reason 9: It is the cutting edge of the sexual revolution.

…so… What is sad is that many homosexual men retreated into the monastic life to escape the social stigma that would have come from them not marrying. These same preachers are getting older now and just cannot resist little boys. Why not let people be who they are and be who they want to be. It is not as if gay people are running around having sex wherever they can. What people do in the bedroom is their business.

Reason 10: It offends God…Accordingly, anyone who professes to love God must be opposed to it.

I was wondering when the G-man was going to make an appearance. God never says anything about same-sex marriage. Never. He rarely even talks last time I checked. Jesus has a noteworthy quote though- Matthew 22-“Render to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God the things that are Gods.” If you do not want gay marriages then do not get one. You are to not use the state to advance your biblical views. That is what Jesus would do.

Who would give out this pamphlet, you ask? Now what hate group you ask is giving out this discriminatory and illogical propaganda? Catholics.

::GR Out::